Looking back the past few months of my life I can't help but to be thankful for the countless blessings I received.. to everything I have seen, to all the dangers I missed, to everyone that I met, for the memories... I am thankful!
Happy Thanksgiving!

The past several months of traveling have finally taken a toll on my body... I have been immobile for the past week, finally recovering today. Now I know why people travel like this when they are younger and not at my age. haha
Nevertheless, I see clearly now why this was all meant to be.
My time in Bruxelles seemed like one big experiment in beer drinking. Im not a huge fan of alcohol but I am a fan of some newly discovered beers. In particular, the Kriek and the Pecheresse.. Belgiums are very serious about their beers. Each beer comes with matching glasses to heighten the taste.. like wine. For a terrible drinker like myself they all would have tasted pretty grand in any glass.
Bruxelles certainly had its good points.. like food. We went to get some mussels and devoured a massive bowl in 5 minutes. Of course then there are the frites with the endless toppings. Im sure the chocolate would have been splendid should I have tried any... not really a fan.
Sooo.. my next destination was suppose to be Paris but my little side detour to Luxembourg has completely altered my plans. Schedules never seem to go as planned when one has no schedules.
Luxembourg is a charming little city. The day we arrived JP and I ended up going out and meeting his friends to watch Quantum Solace. I suddenly felt right at home. The thought of going to Paris seemed dreadful all of a sudden.. Crazy, I know. So no Paris.. Hello Luxembourg...
Bruxelles has been a charming experience thus far. I was fortunate to not only have Val show me around the city the first day but then Jean Paul drove from Luxembourg to be my personal French speaking tour guide for the weekend. Sweet. Besides the fact that he is a walking encyclopedia, it's super nice to have a person that can speak the three languages of Belgium - French, Dutch and German.
Today we decided to take a stroll through the city and do our favorite weekend activity - scavenger hunting at the local flea market. This flea market was the real deal. It was probably one of the largest outdoor markets I have been to and watching the hunters hunt satisfied my shopping needs.
Hanging out with my buddies:
JP rummaging through old cassette tapes:
After the flea market we stopped by the Modern Museum of Art. The exhibition we wanted to see was 8 floors below ground.. kooky! When the elevator doors opened I was surprised to see chairs.. in the elevator... perfectly lined up for our lazy butts to sit. Sweet.
I arrived yesterday to Bruxelles. As soon as I arrived I met up with Val, who was sweet enough to have me crash at her charming place in the center of town. The highlight of my evening:
On a side note, although I have posted a few photos from Amsterdam I found myself not taking many during my stay there. I blame it on the cold weather. I was too cold to take out my camera. haha.
Walking around in Amsterdam is quite an adventure. Unlike NYC where I only look out for cars and the occasional biker when crossing the street, there, it's cars, trams, bikers and mopeds. There are more bikers (bicycle I mean) than trams, more trams than cars, more cars than mopeds.. but enough of all to make me look both ways like 10 times before making it across the street. Scary!!!
Woooo... the weather is so much more splendid this morning. I think I shall go look at some windmills today.
I always find it a bit of a habit whenever I am in a new city I tend to do the following:
1. Search for a cinema and catch a film or two
2. Attend a classical music performance (not Rock surprisingly)
3. Go shopping at an antique flea market
4. Get a massage
5. Eat a bagel
Of course assuming that they are available. It was hard to find a bagel in Ica.
I have been searching for Stroopwafles since I arrived here. The last time I was in Ams I stocked up an entire box (that contained like 8 boxes inside) before returning to the states. For some bizarre reason I cannot find it. Where am I??? Why can't I find it??!!! I need it like a smoker needs his munchies. Please email me your orders if you want one..and assuming I find bulk.
Well, for more important news: ELECTION DAY!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I feel like this being here and not home today...
The last time I was suppose to be in Amsterdam I missed my flight while my friend was already boarded awaiting my arrival. The thought crossed my mind last night as I rushed to the airport an hour before departure time is it just not meant to be for me and the land of tulips? Well... sometimes when you want something really bad, failure is not an option. You just need to roll up your sleeves and make it happen. That or present your Continental Elite Access card and cut the line.
So here I am.. in Amsterdam.. recovering from yet another night of insomnia. My hopes of literally living out of a bag has turned against me this time. I am unprepared for the chilly weather here. It's so cold that I have added yet another layer of clothing making me probably the most unstylish traveler in Amsterdam..
Yikes. My computer is low on battery. Will revert as soon as I find a converter.(another thing I forgot to pack among other necessities.)