I don't think I have had this much drama in one year than the last 10 years combined.
1. The year started lousy from a breakup on New Years Day.
2. The next 3+ months I spent in misery and regretted the break up.
3. Went on a trip to Egypt and became mystified with life
4. Sold my condo and suddenly found myself completely homeless
5. Went on a trip to LA and had an epiphany
6. Quit my job and suddenly became unemployed
7. Had a mini pre mid-life crisis
8. Embarked on a solo mission adventure semi-across the world to find myself
9. Still searching for answers but realized that living and loving are bodacious enough
10. Found a new love, who has given me new hope for 2009.
Whoa.. 2008!! Thank God it's over!

My first real memory of Luxembourg (or at least the word) was in college when I was listening to the Morrissey song, Ask. I loved how Morrissey sang "to a buck-toothed girl in Luxembourg, Ask me Ask me Ask me". Then the lyrics Ask me Ask me Ask me would play over and over again for about 30 minutes in my head until I would have to go bang my head against the wall. It was this cruel maddening of lyrics that left an indelible mark of this place call "Luxembourg" and the buck-toothed girl.
Well, I haven't met any buck-toothed chics but I surely do love Luxembourg. My first time in Luxembourg Jonas Mekas happened to be there to present one of his old films. After first meeting Jonas a couple of years ago at a Guggenheim event, I formed a semi-crush and wanted to see him in person again... or better yet just to hear him talk again.. Who would have thought I would end up meeting him in Luxembourg. He had a Q&A session after the film and once again, his wisdom and frailty made me choke up.. I hope to someday still be this in love with life even at his age.
I returned to Luxembourg this month and the more I visit the more I feel at home. I find myself wanting to be more domesticated, which is absolutely nuts for those who know me... but it's true.. is this what happens when you're at peace in your life and with the people/special person around you? I dunno...
(it's a blur but it's true, Shane in an apron)
I use to think that arriving to airports 2-3 hours in advance was a waste of time. I would always find myself waiting in the waiting lounge for a good hour at least before boarding flight. I thought to myself, why??? What's the point? I can still make it on time even if I arrived about 1 1/2 before scheduled departure. Sometimes even an hour.. Yes, it's better to be safe than sorry I know.. I learned the hard way one time when my pre- 1 1/2 hour arrival for an international flight never happened. It was too late and there were about 200 people ahead of me on line.
My outlook on airport arrivals have changed since then. I no longer think it's a waste to come 2-3 hours in advance to an airport. Actually, sometimes I prefer it. This is all to the thanks of Continental Elite Access!! All my travels coupled with my Chase Account (yes, I'm a Chase member despite my long tenure with its competitor) have awarded me this new status. As a result, I am able to cut lines and get to the ultimate desired destination quicker. What is the desired destination of any airport?? Yep, the Members Only Lounge aka Presidential Suite! It is here that I indulge in all the complimentary food and drinks and then kick back on the comfy seats. Yes, the Presidential Suite! :) All of a sudden flying seems a tad bit more bearable.
Of course admission to these lounges are complimentary with any first class ticket but I like to indulge in the fact that my hard work (of collecting miles) have paid off without having to spend thousands on one first class ticket. With that said, I am here at the Presidential Suite right now as I write this entry awaiting for my boarding call to Luxembourg. It quickly hit me that this lounge is much different than the lounge in CDG/Paris. Why?? Why does CDG have sandwiches and pastries and this place only has packaged cheese and crackers??!! This makes me wonder about the other Continental lounges all over the world. Perhaps I shall start a grading system of all the CO members lounges. I shall start with this one.
Newark, NJ
Continental Presidential Suite Lounge
Positive: Plenty of comfortable seats. Individual working stations. Separate tv room. Friendly customer service.
Negative: No view
Negative: Limited choice of food. Packaged cheese.
Positive: Complimentary first shelf
Negative: Only half and half cream for coffee. Very limited tea selection.
MBAR = Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson's Buriedfed was one of my most exciting new songs for 2008.. he's posted some new tracks on his myspace page from his next album and my gosh I cannot stop listening to Summer of Fear Part 2. I want to eat it. Can you eat up music when it's so good?! I always tell my nieces that I want to eat them (because they're so friggin cute!) As a sign for my affection now they argue who will be eaten first.
Esther: Can you eat me first?
Shane: Of course dear, I'll have you for entree.
Anna: What about me??
Shane: Honey, I'm going to have you for dessert!
Anna: Yeah!
After being home for a couple of weeks and getting over my little/big viral infection, I am ready to be on the road again.. well, sort of.. I have sadly realized that my body just cannot take the backpack lifestyle anymore.. I'm ashamed to admit it but now I only long for plush pillows and room service. I feel defeated in some way that my big adventures of making it in the wilderness have been cut short due to the malfunction of my feeble body and commercial desires of my heart. Sniff.
But the show must go on! My trips will not be as long as before and I will not jump around like I did in South America. I will go, stay, relax, explore, play and love.. :)
I have decided to return to Luxembourg to do the above mentioned.. even if it is for a short period of time... Hopefully I will have better and more interesting photos to display this time. Perhaps capture the little finer things in life.. Perhaps.