There are some things that we are just so naturally good at that it's actually kind of freaky. I've discovered what that "freaky thing" is in my own life - PLANNING. I'm a planner. I'm not just a planner, I'm a SERIOUS PLANNER. In my freshman year in college I planned out my entire course schedules for my freshman year up until my senior year. I just had to know what courses I would be taking four years from now. My childhood friend reminded me recently that I use to do this even when I was in high school. I was the officially 'secretary/planner' for the group. It seems nothing has changed since junior high. I'm still the same obsessive planner.
JP is coming to visit me next month. Even before he confirmed the dates I already had a full itinerary drafted and ready to go. I attempted to make all the restaurant reservations but most wouldn't take my reservations two months in advance. Lol.. My hand written itinerary has been sitting on my dresser for over three weeks now. Today I decided to finally transfer my notes and email the draft over to JP for his review. It was when I started typing the itinerary I suddenly stopped. It hit me: THIS IS CRAZY!!! After he looks at this itinerary he's going to conclude that I'm officially crazy!! The only thing missing are the time slots for us to take a piss. Although I'm sure I would have put that in if I had more room on the paper. (okay, just kidding)
Typically this is something that I would want to chillax... it's border line obsessive but I just can't stop once I start. It's the actual act of planning that excites me.. the thinking, researching, organizing, writing, etc. etc. These pre-steps provide enough satisfaction that something I don't even need to follow through with the execution of the plan. Just planning is enough.. Hence, why the thought of going into event planning often crossed my mind.
Sometimes I wonder why it's so hard for some of us to make a living off of something that we genuinely love to do.
If life was .... like this man's sunday afternoon..
(Seoul, Korea)
I am now certain that my uncertain future was a major cause of my chronic insomnia these past few weeks, among other thoughts.. It's wild the things that creep up in the middle of the night when the rest of the world is dreaming.. My friend, who recently returned from spending some time in a buddhist monestary, told me about the sleeping schedules of monks. Basicslly, they go to bed at 9:00 pm and wake up at 3:00 am everyday. I thought to myself how wonderful that would be if I can do that in my own life.. now that I think about it, most of my verbal regrets uttered have occured between 10:00 pm to 1:00 am... I think I lose a little bit more common sense during those hours.. haha anyways, so why not try this new sleeping schedule out. I may fail miserably but it doesn't hurt to try..
with that said, finally some guidance is being bestowed upon me to make certain my uncertain future.. it just required faith and patience.. two areas of practice that I now know need more practicing in my life.
Watching the inauguration coverage of our nation's 44th President today, I felt a little hopeful of all the possibilities that exist out there for those who hold steadfast to their dreams. Of course, the reality is that some of us may never live to become or do what we dream and hope for in our lives... but it's okay, sometimes what we dream is not what was meant to be.. we were meant for something else.. another place in this world perhaps.. and that could be all the more wonderful as well.
Lately I find myself struggling with what I want and what I know should be good for me.. The logical prudent choices stand right before me but my eyes are wandering to every different possible way that they can... if I can't find answers in such simplicity, I question whether I will ever reach such a gnosis of life at all..
My travel blog is morphing into more of a personal blog.. I hope you don't mind.. Until my next destination.. I shall blah blah blah..
I can't believe it's only 13 days into the new year. Somehow it feels much longer...
I have not made any specific new year resolutions for 2009. I don't even remember my resolutions for 2008, let alone accomplish them. Therefore, I have decided to take on a new motto: Go with the flow....
I am trying new things for 2009. First off, I finally decided to join the rest of society and set up a Facebook account. I tend to be terribly behind when it comes to these types of things.. oh well.
Profile pic: (converse, sidewalk, moschino, crazy night in the west village)
Next up, a friend recommended the works of Tabatha from Sheer Genius, who happens to have a salon in Ridgewood, NJ. I need a new do. My do from Berlin has metamorphosized to something beyond my control. I actually caught the first season of Sheer Genius and remember Tabatha's work on the show. I hope that she will be able to create something new for my portfolio of evolving hairdos.
The last time I was in Los Angeles I was in a different state of mind.. It was when I first had my ephiphany that I should leave my job and travel. My life since then has been just that.
My state of mind this time around is not as drastic.. No ephiphanies.. just a massive exchange of crazy ideas of what I think I should be doing when I return home.. Oddly, just like my last trip to Luxembourg, I have been indoors more than out. I think yesterday was the first day I stepped outside while the sun was still out.. It was refreshing. I couldn't help but think of the days of my youth when I would go away to church retreats. Although, I'm not sure how I connected walking in Los Angeles on a brisk sunny day with a church retreat, but still..
My afternoons in LA have been occupied by sleeping, eating, napping and a Rocky marathon. Saturday afternoon we ended up staying in all day for Rocky I-IV. The sad part is I think this was my third or fourth Rocky marathon. Rocky I is the best.. it draws me in all the time and then I'm totally hooked for parts 2-4 because I'm still perplexed how Sly Stallone was able to write and create such a classic film like Rocky 1.
The highlight of my trip was my very first earthquake last night. Well, it wasn't a serious one but still, the first. We had just finished admiring Jason Statham's 10-pack abs in Death Race when suddenly everything trembled. It was only for a second or two but it was enough for me to declare it as my "very first earthquake". I can't imagine people here experiencing this on a regular basis. I can't imagine how it would be if it was more than just this second tremble but instead the walls were caving in... ahhhhh!! I suddenly miss Luxembourg.
There was a brief moment of sadness when the clock struck midnight. I should have been relieved really but, nonetheless, I still linger whenever there is change.
New York City was freezing cold on New Year's Eve. I stayed in with friends obsessing over our new toy (and recording friend's obsessing over our new toy).
The next day I jumped on the plane for some warmth. So here I am today, in Los Angeles, epitomizing the definition of couch potato. I have been in my pjs all morning, day, evening. (Even when we went out to buy groceries) Nothing makes me happier these days than to bum around in the company of loved ones..
(Jen in bed)
Welcome 2009!