okay, now that my traveling adventures have wind down I suppose I will continue this blogspot as a (gasp) regular blog! I will blog about the randomness that are my thoughts beginning with this one:
So during my uneventful commute to the city this morning, I spotted a hot blond chic on a gigantic billboard right before entering the Lincoln Tunnel. I first thought to myself - 'hey, shouldn't her breasts be bigger?' I mean, it was a Guess ad after all. But whatever - continuing on, I noticed the corset that she was wearing in the ad and I remembered wanting to buy one quite similar for some time now. Maybe I should buy that one I thought, but then I immediately snapped out of my daze - umm NO! it's Guess and I am not a fan of Guess clothing. My thoughts then transported me back to Luxembourg where I noticed that Guess was guess what - HOT - there! ??? ummm.. WHY?? I don't know.. but it is.. they love the Guess purses, which quite frankly in my opinion SUCKS and is just a bad knockoff of knockoff designs. With that said, I then remembered the time when I visited a local Auschon supermarket (think mini-Walmart) in Luxembourg.. There, to my absolute shock I found - friggin Balenciaga dress shirts for 39 euros right next to the toilet paper aisle! Balenciaga and toilet paper??? ummm.. HOW??
So for the rest of my commute through the Lincoln Tunnel I couldn't help but feel moranic by the sheer reminder that man, we're just a flock of clueless sheep herded by the tyrannous rod called Marketing!!! Well, I will be the first to admit that I often fall victim to the deceit of the fashion industry. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a love-hate relationship with fashion. I hate the industry for all the pretentious bullshit that it is.. I mean, don't come off as if your shits the bomb when you know it's friggin going for 39 euros at an overseas supermarket. COME ON PEOPLE!! Of course at the same time, when I see beautiful fabric assembled together to look like a piece of art I feel like selling my kidneys just to have it. Ugh!! The conflict within me.
Anyways, this blog entry is about sheep. As much as I can appreciate fashion art, I cannot tolerate being a sheep. I'm going to friggin take off that Giant City Stardust Balenciaga purse from my checklist dammit - today!!
Startdust - It was nice knowing you!

A city that has eluded me for quite some time.. My numerous failed attempts of making it to this city has baffled me for too long. If I can make it to Durban, South Africa twice then I can friggin make it to Seattle dammit! Besides, it's a nonstop flight! This will be my last attempt for this year. If I don't jump on a plane and make it to Seattle in the next two weeks - I am banning that city FOREVER!!
Okay, not forever ever.
Boc's Photos
Argentina/Brazil - 2007
BERLIN - Sept. 2008
GUATEMALA - Sept. 2008
ECUADOR - Sept. 2008
PERU - October 2008
CHILE - October 2008
AMSTERDAM - November 2008
Bruxelles - November 2008
Luxembourg - November 2008
USA Roadtrip 2009
Switzerland, Brussels, Paris - Feb. 2010