Now that I have a desk chair in my apartment I feel a whole lot better!! Right now I have two laptops set up in my cozy little office space.. yes, two.. one for my blogging and the other for work. I have completely underestimated the amount of "work" I would be doing in my new position. When I arrive in the morning I grab my coffee and jump into a meeting or a call. My stomach starts to growl and that's because it's already 2:00 pm!! What the freakin hell?! I guess it's better than waiting for the minutes to pass by but still.. what the freakin hell?? will this be another one of those jobs when you blink your eye and it's like 10 years later?!
So in a few weeks I will be back in NYC!! I must confess that this is the first time I have ever felt homesick.. when I mean homesick I mean I miss NYC!! There is nothing like the big apple man..! I miss the people hoarding the streets.. in LA there is no one on the streets.. a handful of pedestrians.. a handful of bikers.. ugh!! the streets of LA are lonely.. I will live it up in the big apple even if it's for a few days!!
Oh the good old days with Ben in NYC... ;)

Finding the time to post an entry these days has been a battle.. work is busy but I'm not complaining.. why? because I actually enjoy what I am doing and I enjoy the people I work with. The company is fun and relaxed.. fortunately, this allows the work day to fly by.. but once I get home, that's a whole different story.
My apartment is still lifeless. I spent the day today buying a chair and assembling it. Yes, that was the highlight of my day. I am very happy that I have a desk chair. I can finally set up my computer and blog (among other things).
Tomorrow I am starting my flex hours. I have yet to wrap my mind around the fact that it has been less than a month of employment and I am already working from home once a week. Perhaps I can move to Europe and still keep my job! ;) Did I mention that I like my new job?!
Yesterday, I went to a farm to pick some strawberries. During the tour we had the opportunity to taste fresh vegetables.. My gosh I didn't know spinach can taste soooo friggin good.. it was sweet and crunchy and I suddenly just wanted to say adios to beef from that instant on! But, of course, all highs must eventually rejoin the realm of reason - in this case, korean bbq!! This talk of food is making me hungry. It's been a long day .. time to go relax.
I feel like I'm working at Google.. the office space in my department is situated in what appears to look like a one big industrial loft.. coupled with, we get unlimited beverages and starbucks coffee.. if only we can get those bouncing balls to sit on during the day... and, of course, the massage stations..
Yesterday I received my refridgerator.. yes, refridgerator.. one might wonder why it took me this long to get one.. well, it appears in Los Angeles most apartments do not come with a fridge.. WTH you say? yeah, EXACTLY!!! Anyways, I'm done scratching my head over this no-fridge thing .. now I need to focus on how to stock up my fridge with yummies.. the past few days have been torture with no food to go to when I get home.. I missed my mom's home cooking.. speaking of home cooking, it's a drag that there is no korean restaurants around here.. WTH??!? This is LA dammit!
I still can't wrap my arms around the fact that when I step outside every morning the weather is just perfect!!! Since it is their "winter" season, it is apparently very "cold" here right now.. well, if this is considered cold then sign me up baby!!
Needless to say, I am quickly getting use to all this west coast style of living.. or perhaps its my new job.. overall, life seems to be really laid back here and if anything, I feel like the only one strung out from my New York lifestyle..