Wow, I'm embarrassed.. of how long it's been since I've posted something on this site.. I'm pretty certain I have probably lost all my readers, not sure if I even had any, by now but it's all good.. I still have stuff to say and I don't mind saying it to the ether that is this site..
So last month I became an official Sinner.. yep, that's my new married name.. I still live in LA and my husband is still in Europe.. I wonder when we will ever live under one roof... someday
I always find myself asking my newly married friends how marriage life is treating them.. they all respond in the positive.. It dawned on me that I ask this question because I have yet to begin my own married life.. like I said, someday..
But it's great, I must say.. to have JP in my life.. I feel real blessed that I met a guy who possesses the qualities that I lack in my own.. to marriage life, I await thee..

I wish I had a camera with me all the time.. Yesterday I was standing outside my work building looking at what I have to say were some of the most beautiful cloud formations.. the sky looked like a perfect still painting.. but it was only when I focused my eyes closely that I could how much the clouds were moving.
So I haven't blogged in quite some time.. mainly because my life have been a one big mess. All the uncertainties plaguing me made me such a miserable and unhappy person. What am I going to do? Where I am going to live? These two questions - haunting!
Well, it seems all the months of stress and more stress end.. it took me a year (or more) but I am almost there..
Over the weekend, while at the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena, I purchased my very first Buddha board.. I've seen these boards before and have occasionally dabbled in some obscure drawings but this time I decided to purchase one for myself.. I think it comes at a poignant time in my life.. this reminder of living in the moment...
For the past few months I had the privilege to have two of my closest friends stay with me here in LA.. at first I thought of three girls living in a Jr. bedroom apartment would be a clear recipe for disaster ... but to my surprise I have to say, it's been the best months of my life since moving here..
The truth of the matter is this... me.. my friends.. us .. now.. here.. will this ever happen again? will the three of us ever be able to have this time where we can enjoy living under the same roof in our mid-30s laughing, eating, watching, playing, talking throughout the wee hours of the night everyday... the truth of the matter is ... no.. most likely never again.. not like this..
It's not often I catch myself realizing the finiteness of time.. usually I am too busy with the day to day living to really appreciate that this day will never happen again once it has passed.. it could be maddening thinking about all the wasted time in one's life... the missed opportunities, the people in our lives we take for granted, words and actions you could have said and done.. too many of these have passed through my head.. but I have no choice but to just let them go and hope that I don't succumb to the same illusory ideology, that there's always next time...
Living in the moment... these few words have been the source of some of my greatest pleasures and torments...
To Time...
My life in this coast has been bearable for the past couple of months due to the arrival of my dear friends...if it weren't for them, I don't know how much longer I could have lasted here.. which brings me to my concerns, what the heck am I going to do when they leave?!!!
Often times I try to rationalize why certain things happen in my life.. I suppose my innate nature for reason and meaning. It has been exactly a year ago that I first called Los Angeles my new home.. and everyday for the past 365 days there was never a moment when the question, "why" did not cross my mind.. One can go crazy trying to find meaning in something that is not meant to be found now... for the time being, I try to enjoy the precious moments with my friends.. my co-workers, whom I have come to like very much... the weather, can't beat it... and of course, the stars...
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