Wow, I'm embarrassed.. of how long it's been since I've posted something on this site.. I'm pretty certain I have probably lost all my readers, not sure if I even had any, by now but it's all good.. I still have stuff to say and I don't mind saying it to the ether that is this site..
So last month I became an official Sinner.. yep, that's my new married name.. I still live in LA and my husband is still in Europe.. I wonder when we will ever live under one roof... someday
I always find myself asking my newly married friends how marriage life is treating them.. they all respond in the positive.. It dawned on me that I ask this question because I have yet to begin my own married life.. like I said, someday..
But it's great, I must say.. to have JP in my life.. I feel real blessed that I met a guy who possesses the qualities that I lack in my own.. to marriage life, I await thee..

Boc's Photos
Argentina/Brazil - 2007
BERLIN - Sept. 2008
GUATEMALA - Sept. 2008
ECUADOR - Sept. 2008
PERU - October 2008
CHILE - October 2008
AMSTERDAM - November 2008
Bruxelles - November 2008
Luxembourg - November 2008
USA Roadtrip 2009
Switzerland, Brussels, Paris - Feb. 2010