Today was bizarre. Somehow I found myself spending the entire afternoon outside a cafe in Buenos Aires with a recovering heroin addict, a crack whore, alcoholic and junkie. No seriously. The crack whore (I don´t mean to be cruel but that is what she was) approached me while I was sipping my expresso and reading the paper. ¨You want to talk?¨ ¨Umm.. okay¨ I responded. ???? what the heck???
She had been clean for the past 45 days and counting, hence, her severe outbreak of blemishes all over her face. About 30 minutes into the conversation I discover that she is the actual Narcisa of Jonathan Shaw´s new book. I further discover that John is sitting in the next table with his editor, Den, going over his book.
2 hours later.. Narcisa invites her friend to come hang with us. The friend also a writer and recovering junkie, who published her first book at the age of 19, happens to be the daughter of a famous Brazilian writer.
3 hours later... Jonathan and Den are robbed right next to us. I see John running after one of the robbers while Den is chasing after the other. The robbers are caught. Mucho drama!
5 hours later... we are still sipping coffee outside the cafe recanting our nightmare stories of Buenos Aires. It appears the junkie writer was robbed twice since she arrived in Buenos Aires 2 days ago. The editor was abducted, shot at and assaulted during his time in Buenos Aires. Me, yeah, well I´m just super duper lucky!

This entry was posted
on 10/16/08
at 10/16/2008 09:31:00 PM
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yipes. Did i ever tell you the time these two guys tried to rob me in Barcelona? I was sitting on the beach and they had a long stick with a hook at one end and they used the stick to grab onto my bag and were trying to slowly pull it away from me, but fortunately I was like sitting on the bag and felt it being pulled out from underneath me.
10/18/08, 12:00 PM
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