When I use to look at airplanes in the sky I was never the one that wanted to be in one. This was mostly due to my innate fear of flying. My fears were exacerbated after 9/11. I would be lying if all my travels have cured my fear of flying. It has not, I still feel anxiety right before take off and before landing. Nevertheless, now, whenever I see a blinking light moving slowly through the evening sky, my heart sinks and I wish that was me up there.
Speaking of night time, I'm feeling nostalgic tonight. I looked up at the sky this evening and noticed only a handful of stars gracing the dark canvas. How disappointing. My thoughts immediately went to the spring of 2005 when one evening I looked up and my heart wanted to explode with the thousands of stars that appeared close enough to pick off from the sky. I was in Cato Ridge, South Africa. I think life was much simpler back then.
I miss flying. I miss the beauty of Africa.
Cato Ridge, South Africa

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on 5/12/09
at 5/12/2009 09:39:00 PM
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