Last night I spent in agony watching a film crew set up and shoot a 2 minute scene of a movie. What started off as a nice gesture by JP for a friend to be an extra in a movie turned into an all night affair. Im talking we got home at 3:00 am. The actual shoot took 4 hours and then another 3 hours of post celebrations. The director, who apparently is quite famous in Luxembourg, seemed absolutely directionless the entire night. Okay, I might be bitter here since his "direction" led to a 4 hour wait for everyone. Did I mention this was a 2 minute scene?? But really, this guy was a piece of work. He told JP his hair was too modern for this period piece. He instructed JP to go downstairs and see the hair and makeup crew. According to JP, he went down and literally got shoved into a chair where an overly anxious barber with clippers in hand was awaiting his next victim. I decided to rush downstairs to see what was going on only to find JP's hair already splattered all over the floor. I wanted to cry. HE'S AN EXTRA IN A FRIGGIN MOVIE!!!! AN EXTRA!! AN EXTRA!! A FRIGGIN EXTRA THAT IS NOT EVEN GETTING PAID FOR HIS TIME AND SERVICES!!! The best part of this all, is that when JP came back up from his hair massacre, the idiot director gives him a hat to wear as part of his costume. WTF???????!!!!!!!!!!! A HAT?????????? My mouth literally fell to the floor. You make an extra cut his hair that he's been growing for awhile for a 2 minute scene where he needs to wear a hat??? I swear.. this whole experience turned me off to filmmaking!!! Okay, not really but it turned me off to people who can't direct properly. I can go on and vent more but I will stop. Need to take my honey to the hair dressers.
On a brighter note, this piece is called Leaving by Anthony Mccall. If I could, I would get this in my house. I swear. When you want to run away and disappear into solitude where walls are erected by an invisible dimension of light this is the place to go. I will retreat here again at least mentally from last night's debacle.

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on 7/16/09
at 7/16/2009 08:53:00 AM
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