So it's been almost a year since I started my little Boc on the Road adventures. How time flies I must say. I have come to realize that time is all so relative in my life. While I am in the moment, I am IN the moment. But once passed, it seems already a life time ago. There are times when I worry whether I will remember much at all.
For today, I remember Berlin. I think it has been my most favorite city thus far. If I could, I would make that my new residence.
Ever since I have returned all I have been told is that I don't belong here anymore. It's true, it seems pandora's box has opened. As one close friend put it, "you are back home but you left your heart in Europe." I knew this would happen someday. Perhaps it was the reason why I have been longing to be on the road for so long. Home is no longer home to me. I wonder how long I will continue to walk around like an empty shell. Or does time ultimately fill the void. We shall see.
For now, dear friends I consider home. (Eva is missing - oh, she's behind the camera)

This entry was posted
on 8/11/09
at 8/11/2009 02:50:00 PM
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Boc's Photos
Argentina/Brazil - 2007
BERLIN - Sept. 2008
GUATEMALA - Sept. 2008
ECUADOR - Sept. 2008
PERU - October 2008
CHILE - October 2008
AMSTERDAM - November 2008
Bruxelles - November 2008
Luxembourg - November 2008
USA Roadtrip 2009
Switzerland, Brussels, Paris - Feb. 2010