I like Switzerland. I first liked Lusanne until I went to Geneva and thought Geneva was better.. but then I went to Zurich and I concluded Zurich was the best of the three cities we visited... Zurich is fun, clean, hip, old, new.. although, there were a few unusual observations I feel compelled to mention:
1. Intermission - While watching Ghost Writer in one of the theaters in Zurich, I experienced my very first movie intermission. Actually, I never even knew that there were such things.. but yes, right in the smack middle of the film, during what appeared to be one of the most random scenes, the film just stopped! Stopped, the lights turned on and everyone started to exit.. what the freakin heck?! talk about breaking the flow of a movie.. We found out the following day that this is quite common in Zurich.. or even perhaps in Switzerland.. how odd!
2. Expensive - Switzerland is expensive!!! Our sushi lunch that consisted of edamame and a few rolls came out to a whopping $100! What the freakin heck?!?!
3. H&M - The Swiss love their H&M. It's like starbucks.. it's on every corner! In the main shopping square in the city, I found two (2) H&Ms on the SAME BLOCK!
4. Smoking - It's been a long time since I sat in an ash tray. Yes, smoking is allowed everywhere.
5. Pets - I still can't wrap my arms around the fact that I'm staring at a boston terrier while eating my spaghetti carbonara. It appears pets are allowed to dine along their human counterparts in restaurants throughout the country. Surprisingly, all the dogs that I saw in the restaurants were extremely well-behaved.. perhaps they are just use to this.. but I, on the other hand, was still puzzled.
Okay, I'm sure there are a few more observations worth mentioning but these are just a few off the top of my head. Nevertheless, I would like to return to Switzerland.. the Swiss are clean and freakin organized! I like it!
Oh, I'm sure I don't have to mention about the watches.. ahhh.. too many freakin tic tocs!!

I have heard from several different people that as they grow older they find themselves craving rice everyday. Of course, I had my share of rice attacks during my travels.. but that was nothing compared to my mom`s need for korean food during this trip.. her appetite for korean food was out of control. it started in brussels and it continued to paris.. she started to get so desperate she would stop and ask anyone on the street that looked remotely asian if they knew of a korean restaurant in the area.. her desperation was at its peak when she would peep into grocery stores and dry cleaners for any sign of koreans... we quickly found out that koreans in paris do not run groceries and dry cleaners.. but, of course, that didnt stop my mom from hoping. I found this all very amusing.. my mom...with me in paris.. in search of kimchi and rice..
I am happy to report that we eventually found a korean restaurant.. surprisingly, it was right down the block from our hotel. I should have taken a photo of my mom when she swallowed her first scoop of seafood tofu soup.. she looked like a women who had finally arrived to her destination after a very long journey..
Im writing this entry on a Mac pc with european keyboard..its tough!
Im in Paris and its snowing outside.. there is a nice parisian cafe outside the hotel and I was tempted to make my way over for a night cap.. thats tea and biscuits in parka language.. but then the thought of battling the snow dissuaded my lazy bum.. its been a long day. We took a bus from brussels to paris this morning.. the bus was suppose to depart at 9:30 am.. in brussels that means noon.. we finally arrived to paris and the weather was nice and brisk.. now where in the world did this snow come from??
while in brussels I visited the Margritte museum.. sometimes I wonder if its because of Margritte I keep including brussels in my european excursions.. I was so delighted when the museum finally opened last year.. the little side corner of his work displayed in the museum of moderne art in bruxelles did not serve justice.. I hope to post photos of me and rene shortly..
In the meantime... I shall get some tea..
As always, I leave everything to the last minute.. will this habit of mine ever change? I am leaving for Europe this Friday right after work.. I will be returning on the 22nd only to depart for LA on the 23rd... It still mind-boggles me that I have not packed for ANYTHING!!! Not for Europe, not for LA = Nada!! I think I am in denial! That or I am pushing the limits of my procrastination... I must get some sick satisfaction out of tight schedules.. it's like back in 2008.. my last day of work at Citi was on the 5th and I jumped on a plane the next morning for my travels..
On a side note, I find myself reflecting about relationships these days.. perhaps because I will not be seeing the regular faces of my life for the next few years.. I thought of all the people that have come and gone throughout my life .. and then thought of all the things I was suppose to do but never ended up doing.. like seeing my last boss from Citigroup for lunch, buying birthday gifts for like 10 people, taking my nieces to the planetarium, sending my writing to friends, meeting up with my old co-workers.. etc. etc.. the list goes on.. I just always assumed I would take care of them in my own time.. but it appears that time has already passed me by.. I suppose these are the regrets that result from this wretched habit called procrastination.. Of course, I am an optimist and I truly believe deep down I will eventually do everything that I am suppose to do for the people that have done so back to me.. but would that matter when things have already been forgotten...
I shall reflect some more as I look forward to my trip to Geneva..
Switzerland in Winter...