I like Switzerland. I first liked Lusanne until I went to Geneva and thought Geneva was better.. but then I went to Zurich and I concluded Zurich was the best of the three cities we visited... Zurich is fun, clean, hip, old, new.. although, there were a few unusual observations I feel compelled to mention:
1. Intermission - While watching Ghost Writer in one of the theaters in Zurich, I experienced my very first movie intermission. Actually, I never even knew that there were such things.. but yes, right in the smack middle of the film, during what appeared to be one of the most random scenes, the film just stopped! Stopped, the lights turned on and everyone started to exit.. what the freakin heck?! talk about breaking the flow of a movie.. We found out the following day that this is quite common in Zurich.. or even perhaps in Switzerland.. how odd!
2. Expensive - Switzerland is expensive!!! Our sushi lunch that consisted of edamame and a few rolls came out to a whopping $100! What the freakin heck?!?!
3. H&M - The Swiss love their H&M. It's like starbucks.. it's on every corner! In the main shopping square in the city, I found two (2) H&Ms on the SAME BLOCK!
4. Smoking - It's been a long time since I sat in an ash tray. Yes, smoking is allowed everywhere.
5. Pets - I still can't wrap my arms around the fact that I'm staring at a boston terrier while eating my spaghetti carbonara. It appears pets are allowed to dine along their human counterparts in restaurants throughout the country. Surprisingly, all the dogs that I saw in the restaurants were extremely well-behaved.. perhaps they are just use to this.. but I, on the other hand, was still puzzled.
Okay, I'm sure there are a few more observations worth mentioning but these are just a few off the top of my head. Nevertheless, I would like to return to Switzerland.. the Swiss are clean and freakin organized! I like it!
Oh, I'm sure I don't have to mention about the watches.. ahhh.. too many freakin tic tocs!!

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on 2/22/10
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Switzerland, Brussels, Paris - Feb. 2010