This weekend was rudely interrupted with a minor accident of my back.. Looking back it was pretty cliche : old age + shower = Shane pulling her back and being immobilized for the next 3 days.. Fortunately, my friends came over and nursed me into semi-decent shape.. Nonetheless, this whole experience reminded me that dammit - I'm getting old!!!!!! Pulled back at my age? Are you kidding me?!
Fortunately, the week progressed better. My friend from NYC was in town. We decided to meet up for dinner in Santa Monica. Sad to say, this was the first time I was on the beach since I moved here. It was nice.. the beach at night.. I should go more often..

So... here I am.. in good ole San Fran Cisco sitting at a local cafe plugged in doing my work while enjoying the laid back kinda life that is passing me by outside.... our hotel happens to be in union square/financial district.. yet.. I find it to be quite relaxed here.. even in the financial district.. is this normal? I thought there was no such thing as relaxed and finance in the same breath..
the past few days of exploring this city has been like a breath of fresh air. Well, with the exception of being forced to a 6:30 am meditation session.. who the heck gets up at 6:30 am while on holiday??! Well.. fortunately/unfortunately, one of my dearest friend happens to be that person.. I was pretty much forced/guilted into choosing between meditation at a nearby buddhist center or yoga! I opted for meditation.. it's much less strenous..physically at least.. but at the end it really wasn't since I had to friggin wake up so early!! In the end, it was all good.. it was quite rejuventaing in fact.. to meditate so early in the morning.. I guess this is how my mom feels everytime she goes to morning prayer at 5:30 am..
Okay, must head back to work.. will update photos in my next entry..