So... here I am.. in good ole San Fran Cisco sitting at a local cafe plugged in doing my work while enjoying the laid back kinda life that is passing me by outside.... our hotel happens to be in union square/financial district.. yet.. I find it to be quite relaxed here.. even in the financial district.. is this normal? I thought there was no such thing as relaxed and finance in the same breath..
the past few days of exploring this city has been like a breath of fresh air. Well, with the exception of being forced to a 6:30 am meditation session.. who the heck gets up at 6:30 am while on holiday??! Well.. fortunately/unfortunately, one of my dearest friend happens to be that person.. I was pretty much forced/guilted into choosing between meditation at a nearby buddhist center or yoga! I opted for meditation.. it's much less strenous..physically at least.. but at the end it really wasn't since I had to friggin wake up so early!! In the end, it was all good.. it was quite rejuventaing in fact.. to meditate so early in the morning.. I guess this is how my mom feels everytime she goes to morning prayer at 5:30 am..
Okay, must head back to work.. will update photos in my next entry..

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on 4/12/10
at 4/12/2010 07:50:00 PM
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Boc's Photos
Argentina/Brazil - 2007
BERLIN - Sept. 2008
GUATEMALA - Sept. 2008
ECUADOR - Sept. 2008
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USA Roadtrip 2009
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