Attack of the Mind and Body (Stomach)  

Posted by Shane B.

Berlin... oh berlin....

If my friend Vivienne was here she and I would have definitely commented about all the CBs that are lurking EVERYWHERE! (no joke Viv)

Today while wandering the streets of Oranienburger my stomach ~ out of nowhere~ had a sudden rice attack. I can't escape it, it follows me everywhere... I searched for the first Asian food depot on the street.. I came across a sign that read "Asian Snacks". My mouth started to water as I heard jasmine, sticky, and brown calling my name. Maybe I can also throw in some dumplings if they have some. Turns out it was a Thai restaurant, no dumplings, but it will do.

While savoring the little curry rice pieces in my mouth I had another attack. This time, it was of the mind. I couldn't escape the image of a sign that was displayed on a window while walking (or running) to my rice palace. "WASH + CUT = 10 euros" 10 euros?! my god, that's cheaper than Supercuts I think.. besides, how bad can they be with a simple cut?!

It all happened so quickly. Next thing I knew, the stylist was begging me "NO, that is TOO short for you. Please, I will only cut this much." (It sounded much sexier I swear with the accent.) Unfortunately, he was not pleased when I pointed at a man sitting nearby and said " I want his hair. Boooy Cutttt. Yes, boy, short, very short, thank you! "

Well, it's done. Today was good. From rice to boy cut. This is now my life ~ feeding the need.

This entry was posted on 9/8/08 at 9/08/2008 04:43:00 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Hi Amy,
Wow, I didn't know you were travelling! How long will you be gone? Have a safe trip and I will check back often...

9/8/08, 8:08 PM

How short is boy cut? Send pics! Be safe!

9/9/08, 4:29 PM

I miss you!! ='(

Please be careful and post some pics when you get a chance!

9/10/08, 1:35 AM

OMG! I can't believe I missed your party in NYC! (Just saw your evite few days ago. Bad plee)

Anyhoo, have a splendid time!

Looking forward to more pictures and letters!

In my prayers,


9/11/08, 9:00 AM

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