I woke up this morning to CNN´s coverage of the financial crisis back home. My friend, who has been emailing me updates, best labeled it as ¨financial armageddon¨.
¨How can you even think of quitting when people are losing their jobs on Wall Street¨, my parents repeatedly commented/interrogated/harassed even up the final days before departure. They have always supported my choices in life, although I´m sure this one was over the top for even them. I had to remind them that the uncertainty of our country´s economic future and that of Wall Street will carry on regardless of where I am. I just chose to take myself out of the equation of whatever it is that produces unhappiness in my life.
Nonetheless, I still worry for my friends caught in this ¨armageddon¨if you will. I can only imagine the worries plaguing them. Food for thought: Standing at the foot of the Cotapaxi the other day, I was reminded just how much beauty exits in this world. It´s hard to grasp sometimes when we are so overwhelmed by the mires of our daily lives. Take a step back, open the senses and enjoy life.. because it´s too damn short!

This entry was posted
on 9/29/08
at 9/29/2008 12:17:00 PM
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Here are more updates today: Another bank went down. Citi bought up Wachovia for $1/share. Armageddon continues...the Dow fell over 770 points after bailout package was rejected. Damn politicians!
But, yes, I should take a step back and breathe. Hmmm...Aahhh...
Thanks for food for thought, always.
9/29/08, 11:52 PM
Yeah. The financial world crisis and proposed $700 billion bailout plan...I don't know...and presidential election. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's debate between Palin and Biden. I think Palin's gonna go up in smokes tomorrow. Interesting how this country is turning into...
10/2/08, 1:02 AM
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