I read somewhere that Art Basel was the Olymipcs of the International Art World. I have been to many galleries and art fairs over the years but I must concur - Art Basel takes the cake. After 6 long hours of viewing art pieces - one after the other after the other after the other and so on in a labyrinth of endless white dividers.. I came to some realizations:
1. "Oh crap, I thought I did that side of the building!"
2. "What?? there are other floors??"
3. "What other building?"
By evening, we were completely Artd Out. No more! My eyes cannot take them. My brain could not process them. My legs were screaming for rest. The fact that Brad Pitt was wondering these same floors just a few days earlier no longer mattered a bit. I was done with Art Basel. It was fun while my legs lasted.
Perhaps next time, I will bring sneakers, some power bars and $1 million bucks like someone else.
From Art Basel, with love.

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on 6/15/09
at 6/15/2009 04:24:00 AM
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