Paris is beautiful! The weather has been superb since I arrived. The past few days I have indulged in every cliche tourist activity possible. My legs are killing me and I have a slight sunburn on my cheecks. Nevertheless, it was fabulous spending my lazy afternoons shopping and snacking on my 20th croissant. Following the footsteps of Sartre we decided to stopped by Les Deux Magots for some tea. While enjoying my drink and participating in the endless people watching I thought about my life back home. How when I return there will be a new member in my family. The summer will almost be over and it will be a whole year since I left my last job. How I will need to finally make a career decision and commit to it full force. How life may no longer be as simple and relaxing as a lazy stroll along Champs-Elysees on a beautiful Wednesday afternoon.

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on 6/5/09
at 6/05/2009 11:23:00 AM
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