I don't think I have had this much drama in one year than the last 10 years combined.
1. The year started lousy from a breakup on New Years Day.
2. The next 3+ months I spent in misery and regretted the break up.
3. Went on a trip to Egypt and became mystified with life
4. Sold my condo and suddenly found myself completely homeless
5. Went on a trip to LA and had an epiphany
6. Quit my job and suddenly became unemployed
7. Had a mini pre mid-life crisis
8. Embarked on a solo mission adventure semi-across the world to find myself
9. Still searching for answers but realized that living and loving are bodacious enough
10. Found a new love, who has given me new hope for 2009.
Whoa.. 2008!! Thank God it's over!

My first real memory of Luxembourg (or at least the word) was in college when I was listening to the Morrissey song, Ask. I loved how Morrissey sang "to a buck-toothed girl in Luxembourg, Ask me Ask me Ask me". Then the lyrics Ask me Ask me Ask me would play over and over again for about 30 minutes in my head until I would have to go bang my head against the wall. It was this cruel maddening of lyrics that left an indelible mark of this place call "Luxembourg" and the buck-toothed girl.
Well, I haven't met any buck-toothed chics but I surely do love Luxembourg. My first time in Luxembourg Jonas Mekas happened to be there to present one of his old films. After first meeting Jonas a couple of years ago at a Guggenheim event, I formed a semi-crush and wanted to see him in person again... or better yet just to hear him talk again.. Who would have thought I would end up meeting him in Luxembourg. He had a Q&A session after the film and once again, his wisdom and frailty made me choke up.. I hope to someday still be this in love with life even at his age.
I returned to Luxembourg this month and the more I visit the more I feel at home. I find myself wanting to be more domesticated, which is absolutely nuts for those who know me... but it's true.. is this what happens when you're at peace in your life and with the people/special person around you? I dunno...
(it's a blur but it's true, Shane in an apron)
I use to think that arriving to airports 2-3 hours in advance was a waste of time. I would always find myself waiting in the waiting lounge for a good hour at least before boarding flight. I thought to myself, why??? What's the point? I can still make it on time even if I arrived about 1 1/2 before scheduled departure. Sometimes even an hour.. Yes, it's better to be safe than sorry I know.. I learned the hard way one time when my pre- 1 1/2 hour arrival for an international flight never happened. It was too late and there were about 200 people ahead of me on line.
My outlook on airport arrivals have changed since then. I no longer think it's a waste to come 2-3 hours in advance to an airport. Actually, sometimes I prefer it. This is all to the thanks of Continental Elite Access!! All my travels coupled with my Chase Account (yes, I'm a Chase member despite my long tenure with its competitor) have awarded me this new status. As a result, I am able to cut lines and get to the ultimate desired destination quicker. What is the desired destination of any airport?? Yep, the Members Only Lounge aka Presidential Suite! It is here that I indulge in all the complimentary food and drinks and then kick back on the comfy seats. Yes, the Presidential Suite! :) All of a sudden flying seems a tad bit more bearable.
Of course admission to these lounges are complimentary with any first class ticket but I like to indulge in the fact that my hard work (of collecting miles) have paid off without having to spend thousands on one first class ticket. With that said, I am here at the Presidential Suite right now as I write this entry awaiting for my boarding call to Luxembourg. It quickly hit me that this lounge is much different than the lounge in CDG/Paris. Why?? Why does CDG have sandwiches and pastries and this place only has packaged cheese and crackers??!! This makes me wonder about the other Continental lounges all over the world. Perhaps I shall start a grading system of all the CO members lounges. I shall start with this one.
Newark, NJ
Continental Presidential Suite Lounge
Positive: Plenty of comfortable seats. Individual working stations. Separate tv room. Friendly customer service.
Negative: No view
Negative: Limited choice of food. Packaged cheese.
Positive: Complimentary first shelf
Negative: Only half and half cream for coffee. Very limited tea selection.
MBAR = Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson's Buriedfed was one of my most exciting new songs for 2008.. he's posted some new tracks on his myspace page from his next album and my gosh I cannot stop listening to Summer of Fear Part 2. I want to eat it. Can you eat up music when it's so good?! I always tell my nieces that I want to eat them (because they're so friggin cute!) As a sign for my affection now they argue who will be eaten first.
Esther: Can you eat me first?
Shane: Of course dear, I'll have you for entree.
Anna: What about me??
Shane: Honey, I'm going to have you for dessert!
Anna: Yeah!
After being home for a couple of weeks and getting over my little/big viral infection, I am ready to be on the road again.. well, sort of.. I have sadly realized that my body just cannot take the backpack lifestyle anymore.. I'm ashamed to admit it but now I only long for plush pillows and room service. I feel defeated in some way that my big adventures of making it in the wilderness have been cut short due to the malfunction of my feeble body and commercial desires of my heart. Sniff.
But the show must go on! My trips will not be as long as before and I will not jump around like I did in South America. I will go, stay, relax, explore, play and love.. :)
I have decided to return to Luxembourg to do the above mentioned.. even if it is for a short period of time... Hopefully I will have better and more interesting photos to display this time. Perhaps capture the little finer things in life.. Perhaps.
Looking back the past few months of my life I can't help but to be thankful for the countless blessings I received.. to everything I have seen, to all the dangers I missed, to everyone that I met, for the memories... I am thankful!
Happy Thanksgiving!
The past several months of traveling have finally taken a toll on my body... I have been immobile for the past week, finally recovering today. Now I know why people travel like this when they are younger and not at my age. haha
Nevertheless, I see clearly now why this was all meant to be.
My time in Bruxelles seemed like one big experiment in beer drinking. Im not a huge fan of alcohol but I am a fan of some newly discovered beers. In particular, the Kriek and the Pecheresse.. Belgiums are very serious about their beers. Each beer comes with matching glasses to heighten the taste.. like wine. For a terrible drinker like myself they all would have tasted pretty grand in any glass.
Bruxelles certainly had its good points.. like food. We went to get some mussels and devoured a massive bowl in 5 minutes. Of course then there are the frites with the endless toppings. Im sure the chocolate would have been splendid should I have tried any... not really a fan.
Sooo.. my next destination was suppose to be Paris but my little side detour to Luxembourg has completely altered my plans. Schedules never seem to go as planned when one has no schedules.
Luxembourg is a charming little city. The day we arrived JP and I ended up going out and meeting his friends to watch Quantum Solace. I suddenly felt right at home. The thought of going to Paris seemed dreadful all of a sudden.. Crazy, I know. So no Paris.. Hello Luxembourg...
Bruxelles has been a charming experience thus far. I was fortunate to not only have Val show me around the city the first day but then Jean Paul drove from Luxembourg to be my personal French speaking tour guide for the weekend. Sweet. Besides the fact that he is a walking encyclopedia, it's super nice to have a person that can speak the three languages of Belgium - French, Dutch and German.
Today we decided to take a stroll through the city and do our favorite weekend activity - scavenger hunting at the local flea market. This flea market was the real deal. It was probably one of the largest outdoor markets I have been to and watching the hunters hunt satisfied my shopping needs.
Hanging out with my buddies:
JP rummaging through old cassette tapes:
After the flea market we stopped by the Modern Museum of Art. The exhibition we wanted to see was 8 floors below ground.. kooky! When the elevator doors opened I was surprised to see chairs.. in the elevator... perfectly lined up for our lazy butts to sit. Sweet.
I arrived yesterday to Bruxelles. As soon as I arrived I met up with Val, who was sweet enough to have me crash at her charming place in the center of town. The highlight of my evening:
On a side note, although I have posted a few photos from Amsterdam I found myself not taking many during my stay there. I blame it on the cold weather. I was too cold to take out my camera. haha.
Walking around in Amsterdam is quite an adventure. Unlike NYC where I only look out for cars and the occasional biker when crossing the street, there, it's cars, trams, bikers and mopeds. There are more bikers (bicycle I mean) than trams, more trams than cars, more cars than mopeds.. but enough of all to make me look both ways like 10 times before making it across the street. Scary!!!
Woooo... the weather is so much more splendid this morning. I think I shall go look at some windmills today.
I always find it a bit of a habit whenever I am in a new city I tend to do the following:
1. Search for a cinema and catch a film or two
2. Attend a classical music performance (not Rock surprisingly)
3. Go shopping at an antique flea market
4. Get a massage
5. Eat a bagel
Of course assuming that they are available. It was hard to find a bagel in Ica.
I have been searching for Stroopwafles since I arrived here. The last time I was in Ams I stocked up an entire box (that contained like 8 boxes inside) before returning to the states. For some bizarre reason I cannot find it. Where am I??? Why can't I find it??!!! I need it like a smoker needs his munchies. Please email me your orders if you want one..and assuming I find bulk.
Well, for more important news: ELECTION DAY!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I feel like this being here and not home today...
The last time I was suppose to be in Amsterdam I missed my flight while my friend was already boarded awaiting my arrival. The thought crossed my mind last night as I rushed to the airport an hour before departure time is it just not meant to be for me and the land of tulips? Well... sometimes when you want something really bad, failure is not an option. You just need to roll up your sleeves and make it happen. That or present your Continental Elite Access card and cut the line.
So here I am.. in Amsterdam.. recovering from yet another night of insomnia. My hopes of literally living out of a bag has turned against me this time. I am unprepared for the chilly weather here. It's so cold that I have added yet another layer of clothing making me probably the most unstylish traveler in Amsterdam..
Yikes. My computer is low on battery. Will revert as soon as I find a converter.(another thing I forgot to pack among other necessities.)
I don't remember much of Ecuador.. well, perhaps since I breezed through that country faster than the others. I have to say though that the traditional Ecuadorian women on my way to Cuenca were by far the most fantastically dressed folks I saw in South America. Dressed typically in hand-woven skirts, dark fedoras and long shawls, they were too cool for school! (mean that seriously) My only regret is that I didn't take any photos of these women.. I was busy admiring to take out my camera. I found this photo online and thought her face was just beautiful. Not quite the too cool for school attire that I wanted to share but who cares when you have a face like this .
Lima.. eeek!!! I don't think I will visit Lima ever again. The car traffic, the human traffic, the bland colors painted all over the city, I stayed for 2 nights and immediatley left for Ica. I would like to believe that I missed the better part of Lima somewhere but I highly doubt it.
The only reason why people go to Ica is to go to Huacachina (the "oasis" of the Americas) Yes, it's worth it and so is the sandbuggying. My sunglasses went flying off my face during the ride. I thought it was lost forever somewhere in the vast sand dunes... but nothing is lost forever when it is meant to be found. After staying in Huacachina for two nights I checked into a hotel in Ica for an anticipated one night. This hotel was suppose to be one of the best in town but when I arrived I felt like I was transported back in time. The lobby was decorated straight from a 60s catalogue yet they blasted music from the 80s all day and night. I felt confused and nostalgic at the same time. I loved every minute of staying in that hotel and kept hanging out in the lobby near the sound system to soak up this most definite eerie feeling that I couldn't shake. Although.. I'm sure the sight of an Asian girl pacing the lobby and touching all the furniture only to occasionally stop and paste her ear to the boom box as she started to mouth the words to Love Bites by Def Leppard was probably eerie in itself for the staff.
Okay, this post is long. I shall cease my ramblings for now.
I'm having serious insomnia. I figure its from my brain being so ancy since I have been home. My body has restored its balance but now my brain is on overdrive. I need to move... need to move. I am leaving for Europe on Sunday. Sadly it is only for 2 weeks since I need to be back in the states in mid-November. Thank goodness for my fellow insomniatic friends and time zone differences to keep me company at night.
MA: Are you asleep yet?
SB: No. I'm blogging now.
MA: That's what you should have been doing.
SB: What you didn't like my ramblings?
MA: They should have been refined.
SB: Snob
I think my body is finally recovering from the past two months of living out of my backpack.. I have been trying to recover with plenty of sleep, good Korean food, catching up with people and of course, entertainment. Saw an excellent performance at BAM the other day. Then neutralized it with an annoying film last night Landmark. The only highlight was seeing Joseph Gordon-Levitt sitting a few rows down. He's such a talented young actor - I want to eat him.
While in Santiago one evening I met this young woman. What started off as an act of kindness on her part (I was lost and she offered to find my hotel with me) ended up being an all night event. We grabbed a few drinks and began to talk about life. I promised her that I would visit Valparaiso before I left Chile, apparently her favorite place. Next day I jumped on a 2 hour bus ride to this unfamiliar city. I was dropped off in the middle of town. For the next 45 minutes I walked around town with only one thought in mind - WHY?? why was she so adamant that I visit this city? It was like any other city.. No, if anything, it was less attractive than other cities I had seen. I started to get annoyed.. Was I missing something?! That is when I looked up... literally. Perched up in the hills I saw hundreds of colorful little houses linked by these old funiculars (cliff rails). How cute, I thought.. Why not?! I decided..
The cerros of Valparaiso is the first place in South America I thought, "I could live here". Actually.. more like I can run away here should I ever want to live a quiet hermit existence. I felt like I was transported to a little magical city full of pastel color homes. Strolling through the labyrinth of cobblestone streets and hidden alleyways, I couldn't help but wonder about all the other little gems out there hidden behind the trees and facade of the big city lights.. Life is much more enjoyable when you find the beauty often hidden behind the surface of things..
This internet service at this hotel is horrid! I will do my real sum up of South America when I return to the states... speaking of which, I couldn´t fall asleep last night. I was tossing and turning thinking about returning to the states. My flight is tonight and I am wondering, what´s next?? Asia or Europe.. Europe or Asia... I don´t know. I will toss and turn a little more on my flight home...
Today was bizarre. Somehow I found myself spending the entire afternoon outside a cafe in Buenos Aires with a recovering heroin addict, a crack whore, alcoholic and junkie. No seriously. The crack whore (I don´t mean to be cruel but that is what she was) approached me while I was sipping my expresso and reading the paper. ¨You want to talk?¨ ¨Umm.. okay¨ I responded. ???? what the heck???
She had been clean for the past 45 days and counting, hence, her severe outbreak of blemishes all over her face. About 30 minutes into the conversation I discover that she is the actual Narcisa of Jonathan Shaw´s new book. I further discover that John is sitting in the next table with his editor, Den, going over his book.
2 hours later.. Narcisa invites her friend to come hang with us. The friend also a writer and recovering junkie, who published her first book at the age of 19, happens to be the daughter of a famous Brazilian writer.
3 hours later... Jonathan and Den are robbed right next to us. I see John running after one of the robbers while Den is chasing after the other. The robbers are caught. Mucho drama!
5 hours later... we are still sipping coffee outside the cafe recanting our nightmare stories of Buenos Aires. It appears the junkie writer was robbed twice since she arrived in Buenos Aires 2 days ago. The editor was abducted, shot at and assaulted during his time in Buenos Aires. Me, yeah, well I´m just super duper lucky!
Finally.. my last leg of the trip in South America. I arrived safely to Buenos Aires this morning. I was not planning on staying in Santiago for that long but I quickly found myself getting use to the place.
More updates soon..
Pardon this brief interruption of this very important news: THE SECRET MACHINES ALBUM IS OUT TODAY!!! I´m addicted to their new album.. actually, I´m addicted to this song: Now You´re Gone - by The Secret Machines. Go Getz It Nowz..!
Thank you.
Yesterday on my way to downtown Santiago I passed by a little outdoor market. In the back of the market was a beaten up old sound stage with a barely there sign ¨Artesian Chilean¨. On stage was a man in his late 30s playing his acoustic guitar. He proceeded to play song after song for over an hour. His voice was gentle and beautiful. He reminded me of the Chilean version of Jose Gonzalez from Sweden. This music was certainly a nice break from all the new wave 80s music I had heard my entire time here. However, what made this moment memorable was not the singing (although beautiful) but the other man on stage. He was actually off stage but to me he was the star of the show. An elderly gentleman in his 70s with a vibrant blue scarf around his neck kept pacing near the stage with something in his hand. I didn´t realize at first but I should have known when he, too, stayed until the end.. clapping enthusiastically song after song. He would cautiously approach anyone that would stay and watch his son perform on stage. He would then take out the two cds in his pocket and present it to anyone that might be interested. He eventually held unto those cds until the very end. He would wipe the leaflet cover every now and again to make sure it was presentable. It didn´t matter for me. I wanted to meet the man who was so incredibly proud of his son on stage singing before an audience of one.
I´m sure these two cds in my pocket are the best purchases I have made thus far in South America. I cannot wait to return home next week to play them.
Colca Canyon was brutal!!! I thought my heart was going to burst out of my cage last night. Needless to say, I didn´t get an ounce of sleep as a result. I always heard of people getting really sick due to altitude sickness... oh man, I get it now. It hurts just to take a step let alone walk down a street. I was going to head to Puno tonight but I have decided to nix that idea. Puno is worse in altitude.. about 4000 metres... I won´t make it out of the bus station without fainting if I go to Puno... lol
No more altitude PLEASE!!!!!
A new travel friend I met in Quito emailed me to inquire whether I was in Africa by now. I have zipped through cities in record time.. its crazy actually! I feel like I am always on the road.. I´m sad to report that I will not have enough time to go to Macchu P. I know.. how can a person come to Peru and not go there?! I tried numerous times to schedule it in but somehow timing just didn´t work out... I´m further disappointed to inform some of you that know why I came to South America first that I will not be partaking in that ceremony as well... This only means that I must come back and do this next time..
As for the next few days, I have arrived in Arequipa today and am already in the Colca Canyon trying to acclimatize to this crazy altitude.. I hope to see a Condor or two tomorrow before heading to Puno to hang on the islands.. if I ever get there. I hope to post some photos when I arrive in Chile on Thursday. Can´t wait to get to Santiago!
One minute I´m in Lima and the next in Huacachina. I spent a total of 2 days in Lima and that was enough for me. The traffic in Lima is RIDICULOUS!!! It reminded me of rush hour in New York all over again. I always wondered how KIA Motors stayed in business since no one buys their cars. Yep, now I know.. Peru is their number one fan.
I´m beat once again. 4 hours on a bus from Cuenca to Guayaquil only to then jump on a plane down to Lima. Off to explore the city... No photo post for now but I did receive a friend´s photos from his trip this summer. Enjoy!
I woke up this morning to CNN´s coverage of the financial crisis back home. My friend, who has been emailing me updates, best labeled it as ¨financial armageddon¨.
¨How can you even think of quitting when people are losing their jobs on Wall Street¨, my parents repeatedly commented/interrogated/harassed even up the final days before departure. They have always supported my choices in life, although I´m sure this one was over the top for even them. I had to remind them that the uncertainty of our country´s economic future and that of Wall Street will carry on regardless of where I am. I just chose to take myself out of the equation of whatever it is that produces unhappiness in my life.
Nonetheless, I still worry for my friends caught in this ¨armageddon¨if you will. I can only imagine the worries plaguing them. Food for thought: Standing at the foot of the Cotapaxi the other day, I was reminded just how much beauty exits in this world. It´s hard to grasp sometimes when we are so overwhelmed by the mires of our daily lives. Take a step back, open the senses and enjoy life.. because it´s too damn short!
September 28, 2008
AHHHH!!!! I can´t believe I made it here. I thought I would never arrive. I took a bus this morning from Quito to Cuenca. I was first told by locals it would take 8 hours. When I got to the ticket booth I was informed it would take about 9 hours. When I entered the bus the driver told me it would take more like 10 hours, ¨muy traffico¨ he said. Whatever, there was NO traffic on the road and yet it took a whopping 10 hours and 25 minutes to get here. My body is stiff, my back sore and my butt flattened.
Fortunately, on my car ride from the terminal to my hotel I was enamored by the empty streets of this quaint city. I can´t wait until I explore in the morning.
Today: Sept. 27, 2008
I´m beat. I was meaning to write about my time in Guatemala yesterday but I decided at the last minute to join a group heading to Cotapaxi for the night. This no agenda thing is pretty wicked. Cotapaxi was beautiful and there was a part of me that wanted to tackle yet another volcano (the largest active in South America) but reality set in. There were no horses to help me with this one (6000 plus meters) coupled with this high altitude way of life is just killing me.
Back to Guatemala. Lake Atitlan was the reason for my stop there. Upon arrival to Guatemala City, we jumped in our shuttle for another 3 hour ride through unpaved roads and nauseous fumes burnings our lungs. Needless to say, the mere sight of Lake Atitlan upon arrival was enough to erase the arduous journey we just endured. I believe we all gasped at the size, depth and beauty of this lake. It is beauty.There are many little villages surrounding the lake. I chose San Marcos for their holistic community. I wanted a quiet week on the lake in deep meditation and yoga. Sadly, most of our time was spent fighting off spiders and mosquitos. In all, we spent only 2 nights/3 days in San Marcos and that was enough for us to want to rejoin civilization. Lol.. so sad but what can I say it will take some time to let go of the city in me.
I should say, however, the relaxed way of life near the lake is just sublime. It is the perfect place to escape and write that book you always wanted to write. Just bring your bug repellant.
We spent the remaining few days in Antigua. Antigua is adorable! You can scale the entire city in a day. The city is massively wired up; every street is paved with cobblestones; folks love their Gallo beer (and so do I); live music is taken seriously; the city is pretty safe even late at night; tuk tuks are everywhere; and our new favorite person, Oscar, works at La Pena del Sol.
I was lucky to have my friends accompany me on this leg of the trip, especially since I don´t know how I would have survived the ¨wildnerness¨of San Marcos by myself. To good times...
It just seems like yesterday that I was in Antigua. Actually it was two days ago. I have arrived in Quito, Ecuador and my hotel is full of hippies from all over the world. Too funny.
Yesterday I had a layover in.... New York City! It sounds a bit weird to say it was a layover but it was exactly just that.
So my free day in New York consisted of the following : waking up late in my friend´s sun drenched apartment; facial and massage; bibimbap at my favorite bibimbap restaurant (doshirak); vanilla rooibos tea at Grounded cafe; doctor appointment; dinner with family.
I´m not sure where the time went. But yesterday got me thinking just how pleasant it is to enjoy a day in the city with zero agenda. I wish I had done that more often, perhaps I would have been less burnt out.
Tomorrow is a new day. I shall start with a recap of my time in Guatemala. For now, I sleep.
I felt like Frodo today! We had the brilliant idea to take a hike up Pacaya, one of Guatemala's several active volcanoes, at 6:00 am. I'm not sure what got over me when I agreed to this ummm, adventure. Perhaps I envisioned the driver taking us close enough that I would have to only stroll up oh I don't know 20-30 mins max. It was upon arrival I discovered (to my horror): the trek would be more than 2 hours; it was 2500+ m in elevation to our destination; over the years the path had experienced many armed robberies; and there were frequent eruptions, the most recent being earlier this year. Grrrr!!! Looking up towards the apex of this Mount Doom I was reminded of my trip to Bali last year. How we once again had the brilliant idea to watch the sunrise on the island's tallest mountain. Needless to say, I never watched the sunrise at the apex of that mountain. It was safe to assume that I wouldn't be swimming in the lava today either.
I had some real eye opening realizations occur during this expedition.
1. I AM OUT OF SHAPE!!!! It was quite humbling actually.. watching senior citizens passing me on the path. There was this one American lady in her 60s slightly ahead of me. I was certain she would stop and turn back but even she perservered to the end without the assistance of the "taxi", which leads me to my second realization.
2. I NEED TO BE IN SHAPE!! The tour guide's starkly remarks still taunt me: "Princesas no bueno". I was called a princess for utilizing the services of the taxi (aka sweet horse named Santanas) okay.. it was pretty hard for me to raise my head proudly as I passed by the senior citizens on foot. But I had to put my pride on hold for today was the day I would conquer Mount Doom!!
3. EVERY FRODO NEEDS A SAMMY. I was blessed to have a Sammy on my trip. Actually, I had two - Sons and Rudolpho... without them I would have never made it to the end. I was greatly disappointed to discover that my horse would not be joining me at the last leg of the trek. This meant that if I wanted to see some lava action I would have to walk the last 30 minutes past 3 peaks and burning scoria. I swear I wasn't going to make it if not for the encouragement of my Sammys! Rudolpho kept chanting "think positivo" while Sons kept guilting me "why quit now? you're almost there." Yes, I was almost there and I saw the apex this time closer than ever. But why is it that the thought of quitting is always more prevalent when the prize is closer in reach?!
Arriving at the flowing lava all happened in a blur... literally since the scorching heat blurred my vision.. we must have stayed for a total of 5 minutes at the apex before running for our rubber soles..
Thinking back as I write this entry I realize that getting the prize didn't mean much. Yes, the lava was amazing but it will most likely fade in aweness in my memories some day. What I will surely remember will be the journey I had getting there. There were many moments when I wondered if the sight of lava was even worth the agony. The answer was really a definite NO but I realized this was not about lava but about perserverence. Following through until the end and not giving up when things get unpleasant... something I often struggle with in my life.
Today was good. I am pleased. I will download Lord of The Rings tonight and pay a little homage I think.
It was some ordeal coming to Guatemala with the cancellation of flights and accomodating friend´s schedules... but in the end, it was all worth it.. Lake Atitlan is as beautiful as I imagined. More to come..
Some last thoughts on Berlin... Berlin was a detour stop for me. I have wanted to go for some time now - mainly for their art scene and more importantly, to determine whether I can see myself living there after my travels. Verdict? umm.. perhaps! The first thought that crossed my mind when arriving was that I was in Williamsburg and Tribeca rolled in one. (well, Williamsburg before it became trust fund Williamsburg) The city is rich in history, remnants of the war, a baby boom, graffiti, art, graffiti, squatter palaces and oh, did I say graffiti?! I would have taken more photos if my batteries didn't die on day 2! Overall, there was a very relaxed/laid back feel to the city that I can appreciate. Is it as beautiful as the other European cities on my list? probably not - and the graffiti overdose doesn't help... but still, I enjoyed Berlin and am pleased to have started my journey with this side detour.
Some Random thoughts: Surprisingly very affordable city for European standards, I love Bratwurst, some serious eye candy everywhere, bicycle friendly city, there seems to be more shops than customers, hidden treasures lurk behind every scary looking building, I still can't stand the size of coffee in Europe, oh, and the city's train system is bizarre!! I had a 3-day train pass only to be checked how many times? ZERO! Essentially, if you're lucky not to get checked (which may very well happen) then you can ride the train for free pretty much.
So on my last full day in Berlin I decided to take a tour of the Pergamon. I came to the entrance of the museum only to find myself wanting to leave before even entering. What was more important for me at that very moment than the Pergamon? The grass... and so that is what I did. I turned back and walked another 15 minutes to the front lawn of the Reichstag. There I proceeded to go to sleep under the perfectly blue sky.
Berlin... oh berlin....
If my friend Vivienne was here she and I would have definitely commented about all the CBs that are lurking EVERYWHERE! (no joke Viv)
Today while wandering the streets of Oranienburger my stomach ~ out of nowhere~ had a sudden rice attack. I can't escape it, it follows me everywhere... I searched for the first Asian food depot on the street.. I came across a sign that read "Asian Snacks". My mouth started to water as I heard jasmine, sticky, and brown calling my name. Maybe I can also throw in some dumplings if they have some. Turns out it was a Thai restaurant, no dumplings, but it will do.
While savoring the little curry rice pieces in my mouth I had another attack. This time, it was of the mind. I couldn't escape the image of a sign that was displayed on a window while walking (or running) to my rice palace. "WASH + CUT = 10 euros" 10 euros?! my god, that's cheaper than Supercuts I think.. besides, how bad can they be with a simple cut?!
It all happened so quickly. Next thing I knew, the stylist was begging me "NO, that is TOO short for you. Please, I will only cut this much." (It sounded much sexier I swear with the accent.) Unfortunately, he was not pleased when I pointed at a man sitting nearby and said " I want his hair. Boooy Cutttt. Yes, boy, short, very short, thank you! "
Well, it's done. Today was good. From rice to boy cut. This is now my life ~ feeding the need.
This sorrow makes me want to cry.. cry for everything that I am leaving behind..
This excitement makes me want to cry... cry for everything that is to come.